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  • Writer's pictureheej_yay

5 reasons why I am doing this!

If you don't know me personally, I am sure this content won't pique your interest as much. But hey, please take a minute to get to know me. :)

This sure will be something that will help my friends and family get to know more about me.


So, I've always planned on having my own English blog for years (I've had a Korean blog for over a year). I did open it a couple of times over the past few years, but because of life events that seemed more immediate to put my energy on, I was never able to keep it going. Now, I AM GOING TO MAKE THIS WORK! There are several reasons why I am determined to get this blog flowwwwin.

1. Emotionally ready

Over the past couple of years, while I was in Korea, I had so many things going on in life. I can't get into it here as it is very personal, but all I can say is that it required me to put all my emotional energy in it. Also, I was extremely busy with completing my masters degree while working full-time, as well as being the founder of Project Club (this, I will also share more in the near future), in that I could not find the time to blog regularly. Now it's 2019, I am married and am settled in a new country, new city. I can confidently say that I am emotionally at the perfect level to do this- though, I am very busy with my doctorate work (I will share more about this as I go). Even if I have to wake up an hour earlier to write a post, I promise to commit myself to it!

2. I am OCD, slash, lazy to talk about my life in person.

Those who are close friends of mine will know this. I am NOT good in sharing about my life and feelings with people.. I don't think I am weird or anything, but I just am not the person who like to break the flow of conversations or the mood of the day. I am OCD this way. OCD with organizing, OCD with thoughts, even OCD with interacting manners. This is just who I am. (By the way, purely because I like organizing...please do not mention Marie Kondo- I am not a huge of fan of hers. Plus, I am ASIAN and if you bring up Marie Kondo right away, um... hey, just think about it for a minute).

Also, when it comes to sharing personal things/episodes, I have to explicate from point A to point "current". THIS is arduous sometimes, especially as a person who thinks detailed information is extremely significant in seeing the bigger picture of the story. ( I also ask a lot of questions when I hear people's stories. I like to have all the information). So, considering this, I like to talk about it when we all have enough time and the right energy for each other. BUT, if you do ASK me (of course as a friend and/or a family), I will tell you non-hesitantly. Just don't expect that I will share it to you first and especially in a concise manner.

Anyways, I thought writing a blog would help me talk about my thoughts more! I recently surprised my husband with an information I have unintentionally never mentioned to him before (no secret at all, just forgot to tell him about a school that I attended in middle school). To avoid this kind of moments, I think this blog will serve as a great platform where I do not FORGET to share or do not feel LAZY to talk about it to my people!! (Be proud of me, my friends.)

3. Interesting things in life

I think I am at an age and position in life where I have more interesting things to share! I can look back at my experiences and reflect on here; I can share the interesting things I learn throughout my doctorate degree; I can share things that I consider worth sharing with everyone. SO MUCH! To share couple of topics that I am planning on sharing..:

- cultural differences between my husband and I

- reflections on settling down in the US as a third culture kid

- being an Atheist

- tips for best way to learn new things (especially English)

- share videos and articles that I deem valuable for everyone to know

- my journey in finding the best skin care products and nail designs


You think it's too much? Oh well.. I don't care. This blog reflects my brain. If you don't like it... Go find another blog!

Kanye west head blowing up like a balloon

4. To keep myself sane!

Due to the nature of my job and studies, most of the time, I interact with papers and my computer. I write a lot in academic language, and I talk a lot in an academic manner. This is all a mask in a way. I started to realize that I need to be my normal self somehow. I love what I do but, man.. sometimes it's simply TOO much. So, here I am, trying to focus on being the most authentic me without any layers.

5. I am not a strong reader. I am better with visually engaging materials.

Yes, I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. BUT, that does NOT mean I am a strong reader or a smart person. English is NOT my only language; I have a hard time detecting sarcasm, implied messages, and culturally imbued statements. Also, I did not grow up reading a lot- my choice, because I simply did not enjoy reading THAT much. So, reading and writing is a whole new method of learning and communication for me. So, to really organize my learning process, and also to understand all the things I learned deeply, I wanted to use this platform as a place where I can create what I learned into a visually engaging content. But.. please don't have high expectations though.. I mean.. the max I can do is the GIF memes I think..

Overall, this is ALL about me. BUT....

I also wanted this blog to serve as a point where people feel welcomed to learn new things as an adult. I want to encourage you all to learn and grow more. Not through me, but through what I share. My hope is that the content I bring can brighten up your mood a little bit, pique your curiosity in learning more, or just give you something to read! I am not a good writer nor a story teller. BUT, As I shared above, I promise I will try my utmost best to keep this blog goiiiiin somehow.

Until the next post, stay warm and... listen to Ariana Grande 7 rings. (I am definitely not a Ariana fan nor of this song. But man, it is a great song that can make you feel like an amateur pop artist.)

Oh, and follow me on instagram for quicker updates: @heej_yay


P.S. Click the images (GIF) for the source!

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